Data allocation

It All comes down to Data. The More Data we have the better off we will be. True unadultered unscripted forms of information that can be delivered to the most Capable Individuals to Organize the sets into Comprehensive Programmatic Order to be Considered as we move forward in the Planning of our Home world.

Take some time to contemplate the Gravity of our situation as A Specied on this Planetary Surface made of plain ordinary Resources. Everything is a Resource, Human resources are of the most valuable Nature, We all have Specific Knowledge and perspective and Values engrained upon our Beings.

Let us Converge to Build a Collective Database of Un-mocked Information that can be Used as a Defining Platform to Increase our ability as Mankind to Influence the Path we Hold ahead of our Current Positions in the time-space Continuum that may bring up Conformity for Some into other Peoples Frames of Mind, and Conflict within Others.

Everything should be noted in order to Better Understand our Footings to Move forwards with. Public Domain, and Private Sector Rights, We are Human Beings who Demonstrate Complex abilities and must be able to share our own Interests and Wisdom if it is to be taken into our Main Frames’ Accounting Process.

This platform is only the beginning of an Example: to be Re-addressed in a more official Manner Across our Nation, and Globe where we can all freely Represent ourselves, and Have our Voices Heard and Justified With Clearly Expressed Uninterrupted Attention to our True Messages of Intent.


Societal Dichotomy
