Societal Dichotomy

When looking through the two separate lenses I am focusing on with this platform: We see the juxtaposition of Societies who will adopt those in terms of a “Loose Fit” Architectural Philosophy and Framework, and those who will Adhere to the “Parametric Standardization” techniques elaborated upon but yet yet brought into Common Knowledge, Study, or Practice.

The “Loose Fit” societies seem to have great potential for societal avenues that can not seem to incorportate a unified mission plan and accord on what elements of human interaction and/or lifestyles they would like to experience within their own Microcosms. THis is a good solution to be used if societies have no long term, well thought out, and firmly adhered to intentions that would need to be firmly adhered to and tangibly expressed. These types of structures would also be good for efficiency type spaces used for space travel, or compact housing units that are adaptable to multifunction purposes within a single portion of alotted volume created out of scarcity.

The “Parametric Standardization” approach to the Architectural field would be more well suited to societies with access to the abundance of material and human resources that the higher echelons of Global Denizens are in control of distributing. The problem of scacrcity is not a major issue for entities of such high stature. If a well thought out mission plan would be assumed to the position of creating a well dictated set of spatial arrangements that the scientifically approached topic would address: in terms of Urban Design at a large scale Lense relating the most efficient, experiential, and delightfully impactful ways to lay out certain Programmatically Identifiable spaces that could be justifiably adhered to for Semi-Permanent Structural Erection- this type of Long-Term Society would take a precedence over their counterpart of loosely defined frameworks.

In order to consider demolishing existing spaces and rebuilding in such a fashion we as an entire people in a societal framework would have the necessity of coming to an accord for what types of lifestyle arrangements we deem necessary and justified to exist in a specific pattern that spatially arranges Variable Programmatic Elements through a framework of Geographic Order putting Hubs of Societal Conglomeration at the Central Location of a Microcosmic Urbanity and linking together its’ different Zones in an Adjacency Map that would be spatially Relevant to the specific Location of Interest- taking into account all of its Natural Elements, existing important Infrastructural and Port amenities and the Complex Demographic of Citizens that belong to a Rooted Area- taking into account all cultural aspects as well, which would impart identity of the areas diverse original rooted artistic human expression to the varying districts: in aims to please The People that We All Exist Amongst.

In theory, defining what things we hold dear should not lead us down a path where we are left in a social arrangement of structures that have less identifiable factors to exist amongst and experience on our daily routine. If left to this set of devices to Govern Our Lives we will fall further into a dependence on Technological Solutions to Escape from a Drab Feeling Environment that does not Express what we Want to Experience in our own lives. Creating a Code where at least Publicly Run Venues of Business have an Identifiable Adherence of Spatially Relatable Standards in Regards to the Experience that one should be Able to Enjoy, at ones own discretion, when spending their hard earned Monies in Establishments that Create Profitable Revenue through our Transactions- We as a Whole would enjoy a Higher Standard of Living based upon Our Quality of Life and the Spatially Interactive Implementations that we have Chosen as A Community to hold in High Regard and Necessary to Continually Function Properly Socially, Economically, Spiritually, and Safely as an Entire Ethos. With the Continued Study into this Potential Framework of Societal Standards it is to my Beleif that we would become a more confident, intellectual, free, calm, vigorous dynamic society with less of a need for an acquired Tolerance towards our other societal counterparts who have different paths of Adversity to face than any individual may hold.

In Conclusive effort, I say that an attempt too Establish a Mission Statement that Suits all Societal Members would be the Most Ideal Scenario to be looked into as a Long Term Project, that will be planned about for many years to come- hopefully before we as a Tribe of Citizens Adopt a “Loose Fit” arrangement of spaces to be our answer to the Scarcity and Complex Struggles each of us experience down our Paths to More Sustainable, Experiential, and Safe Futures that are Strictly Adherent to Codes of Ethical Conduct in Business, Public Social Life, Inter-personally, Privately. To Foster Such Strong Values that would Create a Base Respect to Any of our previously Oppressed Citizens, a Societal Hub would be needed to Give a Safe Space to Talk about our Structural Futures- where we Could Identify a Mission Statement as a Whole Unit that seems of An Ideal Palate to Create into Our Built Environments Infancy Stage of Urban Masterplanning and Spend Enormous Amounts of Time, Effort, Money, and Dedication on. All this to Ensure a Future of Higher Success Rates in Creating Individuals of Integrity who can be the Most Self Sufficient Adults that their personal Potential is Able to Hold given the Correct Systematic Factors Concretely Placed into our Waking Moments in order to Foster the Experiences Necessary to Such an Organic Evolution to take place. If we put such a Movement into Motion, We Will Rise: as a more stable entity, with more defined purpose, clearer identified rationale, and easier to interpret when and where a certain venue would be the right time and place for a certain action to occur. There is a Time and Place for Everything: I Say we Further Define that Tangibly, and Not Fall Prey to the Escapes of our Digital Worlds Allure to Experience Fabricated Moments through Virtual Reality and Media- that Leech us of our Real Life Interactions and Distract us from Earthly Moments Experiential Potentials.

I hope through this Explanation we find some personal sense of Spatial Transgression to be avoided and some Relief as Where we May end up with a Melioristic Attitude- where if we put forth enough effort: we could make anything better than it was~


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